Cuts & Color
Here you will find our clients' most recent results as well as photos from our office.
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Beautiful balayage today! Blonde can’t be stopped by the snow! #blondebabe #balayage #brunettetoblonde #illusionzsalon

Set of polygel extensions today! Colors: Blue: OPI: Was it all just a dream Ring finger: OPI: chrome effects mixed metals #opi #gelish #gelishpolygel #polygelextensions #opichromeeffects

First two: after Third: before Fun with some blues today! #joico #colorintensity #mermaidblue #sapphireblue #balayage

#blondie #highlights #paulmitchell #pmshines #behindthechair #lovewhatido #9v #9a #syncrolift @abriannastouch